Dreams interpretation Letter T

Dreaming of turtle

 Dream of turtle

Dream Interpretation: Dreaming of turtle.

Symbols : wisdom, slowness, affection, knowledge, shell, creation.

In psychoanalysis…

* If you dream of a turtle, it can express :
*Your shell established in order to protect you, to defend yourself.
* Your slowness of action.
* Quite simply, a pet, affection.
* Longevity, life expectancy.

On the esoteric side…

* The turtle is, in Chinese folklore, a character revered for his wisdom and knowledge.
* It is said that it would carry the whole structure of existence on its shell …
* It represents creation.

Remember that interpretations may differ according to the symbols we personally associate with these themes. It is possible and interesting to interpret ones own dreams. Go to the article: How to interpret dreams.



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