
The year of the 13 moons

Les phases de la Lune

Hello everyone,

Today, I want to focus on the subject of the year 2015, or the year of the 13 Moons . In addition to beingthe year of karma, the year 2015 counts 13 Moons!

Why 13 Moons?

This year, the month of July was rocked by two full moons .

Should we be afraid of the year of the 13 Moons?

As we saw in the following articles: Le 13 porte malheur, Le 13 porte bonheur, et 13 à table, The 13 is a heavy number of senses. In addition to evoking misfortune (or happiness), it recalls the 13th arcane Tarot of Marseille : The Death.

Combined with the strong karmic sense of 2015, #13 is even more scary!


The 13 moons and the transmutation.

#13 represents physical but also symbolic death. Death is also transmutation from one state to another . And if we add the 1 and the 3, we get 4, stability and construction number.

13, which is 1 + 3 = 4

This year, we collect the coin of our coin (for our bad / good previous actions). But we are also invited to move forward: after harvesting what has been planted, we have the opportunity to go back to basics and declare the death of bad habits. This year we have the chance to move from one state to another. So, despite the heavy karmic weight that 2015 that can scare more than one, let us see in these 13 Moons the chance to make a clean sweep, and evolve again and again to the best.

But stay cautious: 13 Full Moons instead of 12, this is another chance to meet a werewolf in an enchanted wood … Beware of you !



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