
Lunar eclipse of September 16th

Eclipse totale du soleil

Total solar eclipse

The eclipse of September 16 gives us a boost of emotional energy It is possible that this night or the next night, we would dream of past situations and think strongly about moments of our childhood. This is normal: wounds, strong emotional moments or powerful memories come to the surface: the wounds are cleaned up. We begin to heal, our spiritual and emotional wounds clean and close.

This eclipse on the Virgo Poisson axis is a precious event: it stimulates the imagination, the intuition and teaches us how to make one with ourselves.
Everything is possible, the path of wisdom is entirely free The wounds of the past can reveal the treasure they hold: the keys to peace of mind and wisdom through experience.

Fullness is our next stop. We had the toughest time of 2016, and now that the The triple 9 energy portal surrounds us, we are ready to make a clean sweep and enjoy serenity and simplicity.

This time of rapid transition carries us and guides us towards the evolution of the soul, love and peace.

Let yourself go. Forgive. Shine. Look after yourself, take care of yourself. And enjoy the moonlight tonight … Open your root chakra (base of the spine) and send your roots to the heart of our Mother Earth. Remember who you are. Dock you Enjoy.

What is announced in the next days following the eclipse:

* We can expect a few love at first sight: in our relationships, in our desires, in our discoveries: we finally reveal our wings and we fly for happiness.
* Good news on the female level is announced.
* An emotional high tide will overwhelm us. Welcome your emotions without judgment or fear: they will pass, like everything. Imagine yourself on a surfboard and try to slip on the waves without putting your head under water.
* We will be more sensitive, more likely. Do not cling to words higher than others, do not take anything personally. Each of us experiences a powerful emotional change, remember.

This eclipse opens the way for a painful process because our old wounds will be emptied of their pus. It is necessary to allow time for our wounds to become empty and clean. After that, you will be such a warrior on the path of healing, and all these wounds will never open again.

Good eclipse to all!



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