Superstitions and beliefs

Superstitions on the seasons


The seasons symbolize the perpetual renewal, or the return.

Each season is dedicated to a God and has a color for symbol.

* Spring is dedicated to Hermes, messenger of the Gods. Its color is the green symbol of tenderness.
* Summer is dedicated to Apollo the bright, solar God of the Light. And, you guessed it, its color is yellow.
* Fall is dedicated to Dionysus, the God of vegetation, of the Vine. Its color is red.
* Winter is dedicated to Hephaestus, the God of Fire and Metals. Its color is white.


According to a popular belief, a warm winter follows a cold winter, a dry summer with a rainy summer, and vice versa.
According to the saying « cold winter, hot summer« , we can console ourselves with the winter cold and dreaming of the heat of next summer.

An American belief is: if a winter is hot, and the summer that follows is hot too, it bodes the end of the world.

According to the French saying; » If the winter is overloaded with water, the summer will be all the more beautiful« .

We also say « winter of rain, summer of blue fish« .


According to a saying coming from the Vosges, snow in the spring announces snow in autumn: « If the snow falls on the leaf in spring, in autumn it will certainly do so« .

In across the Atlantic, it is said that if spring comes late, the arrival of autumn will also be late. A cool spring bodes a hot summer.

For the Americans, the thunder in the spring announces a wet summer. The abundant berries in summer or autumn announce a severe winter.

It is said that a « hot summer announces a fall during which he shoots » « .

As the saying goes, a fall too soft is a portent of fatal: « Heat in autumn pique strong and cause many people death. »
Thus, having a fever during a mild autumn is not a good omen: « fever that comes during the autumn is very long or death gives us ».

Anyway, I hope spring 2020 is coming soon beautiful and sunny.


lonely tree at four seasons time lapse

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